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苏河湾宇宙级滨水区 The SuHeWan World-class Waterfront CAZ 位于上海城市发展中轴线中枢区域 Situated in the heart of Shanghai’s highly developing region axis 效力打造宇宙级滨水商务区 Making efforts to create a world-class waterfront business district 穿越百年苏河的牵挂 Traversing the Suzhou Creek with a hundred years of memory and history 阅读百年商脉千里淀的品格 Reading one hundred years of business acumen and prestige 昔时 当今 改日 Past Present Future 一代又一代东谈主在这里诞生历史 创造改日 Generations of people have created wealth and made history here 悠游绿色水岸滨纷 Leisurely stroll along the waterfront 感受崭新好意思好生涯 Experience the freshness and beauty of life 开释无穷富贵活力 Release limitless energy 拥抱前锋灵动体验 Welcome a creative and dynamic experience 引发鲜嫩预见预见灵感 Inspire innovative and interesting ideas 汇聚千亿买卖的假想 Uniting the aspirations of hundreds of billions level businesses 苏河湾宇宙级滨水商务区 The SuHeWan World-class Waterfront CBD 打造宇宙级企业总部相聚地 Creates a world-class gathering place for corporate headquarters 科技立异新平台 Constructing a new platform for innovation economy 资源确立新枢纽 A New hub for resource allocation 寰球钞票解决新高地 A new platform for wealth management 汇注效力激动当代商贸、金融作事、专科作事、科技作事、文化创意等要点产业 Investing in modern commerce, financial innovation, professional service, technological innovation, cultural creativity and other industries 苏河湾向寰球企业家发出邀请 SuHeWan invites global entrepreneurs 共邀寰球超卓东谈主才 Invites outstanding global talent 共促高质地发展 To promote high-quality development together 伟大的投资便是遴荐改日 A worthy investment is to choose the future 下一站苏河湾 The next stop of that future is SuHeWan 贵府:苏河湾 剪辑:叶苹 |